
Friday, February 28, 2014

Yarn Bobbins DIY

Yarn Bobbins

You have "500" hundred of this left over ball thingies too, right, you don't wanna toss them away, because you always could use them for something else. 

In my case, if I need a special color or what ever, they are all over the place. I have to dig my way through my boxes with yarn, its just a head egg and it makes me sometimes wicked mad.

The other day I was watching on YouTube how to change color with the afghan stitch without holes in your work and this lady had this bobbins. I thought that's what I need for all my little balls and I'm able to store them nice and need and I don't dig anymore. 

Well, because I need quiet some and I don't wanna invest in new bobbins ( Invest that money in yarn)
I though I make my own. 

All what you need is:

1 empty orange juice container
(That containers are sometimes hard to cut, be careful and don't cut your fingers off.) 
1 Sharpie

How you can see I washed the container and cut it already in pieces

That was my original model on paper, but it didn't like it. So I cut the bobbin like a giant H with a little slit on one side.

That's the end of my little left over balls situation.

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