
Monday, October 6, 2014

I can my subba


                                         I can my subba

I'm frustrated, I'm telling you. It's nice to make meals a head but it in a zipper bag and see you later in my freezer for future cooking.
I have more than one problem with that. I don't have enough storage in there and my pasta sauce is not the same as fresh and i still have sometimes freezer burn and I HATE to have frozen half frozen zipper bags hanging out in my sink or on a plate.

The reason I start to can my subba was, that Pauli started as a trucker and we see him all in all every 2. weekend. He complained about the food possibilities on the road. That's why I start researching online and found on one of my cooking sides how they can actually hole meals.

So I gave it a shot, I'm home alone with Kim and I have to cook subba for 1 and a 1/2. How do I do that. I always cooked for 4( I have a hungry man) and I also was sick of eating leftovers for 3 days.

For everybody who is sick of leftovers for days, come home from work or an appointment and don't wanna start a mess or just wanna eat in the next 20 min that's the real deal.

All what you need is a pressure cooker, speed cooker you name it and caning yar's, twist of yar's or recycled pickle yars with a metal lid.

What doesn't go in your yars:
  1. any kind of bones
  2. milk products: like milk, sour cream, cheese nothing with milk at all
  3. flour, starches

You always have cook everything completely through, meet, onions etc. nothing can be raw or just half way cooked.

We start now cleaning yars and lids, I wash and rise them in the hottest soap water possible. You fill your food hot in the yar, 1-1 1/2inch under the edge of the yar.

Fill 3c water in your pressure cooker place a cotton napkin on the bottom and the yars on top of the cloth , close the lid wait till the lid seal and let it cook on the highest pressure level possible for 30 min. After the time is over take it of the  stove and let the cooker cool of for 30 min or until you can open the lid. ( don't cook it down under water)

I do this now for 2 month and I never had a bad yar at all. More information for caning food try this link.,d.cWc

I also will post a couple recipes in the next days.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

summer sun and fun

summer sun and fun at the beach

One of my favourite outfit. Like you can see my sewing machine is not staying still at the moment. How to top it, with a nice day on the beach.

clouds, ruffels and bows

clouds , ruffles and bows

It's summer time, my little princes is getting bigger and bigger and grow out of her PJ's. I always have a stash of fabric in my little room (more a hoard) and I thought: Why not sew a couple of PJ's!

She need something comfy, something what is not getting wiggled over the belly or the pants is getting lost in her bed between stuffed animals and books. 

I was coming up with a romper but very loos and of course she needs the bows or ruffles (probably mom needs it more than her). 

That was one of the best things I ever sew for her. She absolutely love it. I have trouble to get it of her.

That's Kim now in her puffy PJ's. They look on her like a big cloud. I'll guess if I'm done with hers ( 3 more to go) I need one too, but no pic's from me sorry!!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Yarn Bobbins DIY

Yarn Bobbins

You have "500" hundred of this left over ball thingies too, right, you don't wanna toss them away, because you always could use them for something else. 

In my case, if I need a special color or what ever, they are all over the place. I have to dig my way through my boxes with yarn, its just a head egg and it makes me sometimes wicked mad.

The other day I was watching on YouTube how to change color with the afghan stitch without holes in your work and this lady had this bobbins. I thought that's what I need for all my little balls and I'm able to store them nice and need and I don't dig anymore. 

Well, because I need quiet some and I don't wanna invest in new bobbins ( Invest that money in yarn)
I though I make my own. 

All what you need is:

1 empty orange juice container
(That containers are sometimes hard to cut, be careful and don't cut your fingers off.) 
1 Sharpie

How you can see I washed the container and cut it already in pieces

That was my original model on paper, but it didn't like it. So I cut the bobbin like a giant H with a little slit on one side.

That's the end of my little left over balls situation.

A call for coyote ugly

A call for coyote ugly

I know its been a very long time, looks like for ever, i m back. 
After a busy summer, my hubby is finally out of the Army and back from Korea. Kido is in bed Pauli on his after lunch nap, i got time to post a couple thing what i did over the last couple month...

In the summer, Cindy, me and the kido, we went on our regular yard sale hunts, I love it.
I find all kinda old stuff, Paul would say throw it out that's crap, I find good stuff and redo it.. 
I fund 2 antique lamps for 10$ that was a steal, but the shade was ugly. 
One off this fussy, dust  nasty brown old Gram lamps.

Now you see what I mean UGLY.....

After. I redid the hole shade and I love the clean look.